Reliance Health, Inc. (2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) - Hartford Courant Top Workplaces
2023 - 6th Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer
2022 - 6th Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer
2021 - 10th Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer
2020 - 4th Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Special Recognition for Meaningfulness
2019 - 6th Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Special Recognition for Managers
2018 - 3rd Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Special Recognition for Appreciation of Staff
2017 - 2nd Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Special Recognition for Direction
2016 - 2nd Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Outstanding Managers Award
2015 - 1st Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Outstanding New Ideas Award
2014 - 2nd Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer
2013 - 2nd Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Outstanding Leadership Award
2011 - 4th Place Top Workplace for Mid-Size Employer and Outstanding Managers Award
Reliance Health, Inc. (2022) - Reliance Health Inc. received the 2021 ECTy award from The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut for Best Place to Work. The Best Place to Work Award is presented to a workplace that demonstrates an exceedingly positive corporate culture for its employees, including but not limited to healthy work-life balance for employees, employing green/innovative practices, providing an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion, providing opportunities for employee growth, training, development and encourages community involvement.
Reliance Health, Inc. (2021) - Reliance Health Inc. received the Collaboration of the Year Award from the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut. The award highlights the critical collaboration the Reliance Health Recovery Coach Program and the Norwich Police Department have been providing in our community as they work towards battling the opioid crisis in Southeastern Connecticut. Reliance Health’s Recovery Coaches have been on the front lines, going on ‘ride-along's with the police, to identify and meet with individuals who recently experienced an opioid overdose. The ‘ride-alongs’ consist of the police and Reliance Health staff introducing who they are, where they are from, why they are there, how they can help, and also providing a “Leave Behind” bag. The bag includes Narcan kits, instructions on how to use the kits, safe-use kits, a business card, a heart-shaped stress reliever ball, as well as local community resources to help those who have experienced an overdose connect with help. The police and our Recovery Coaches also explain the Good Samaritan law to reassure the individual has no threat of being arrested. We are honored by this recognition.

Reliance Health, Inc. (2018) - Reliance Health was awarded "Best Nonprofit" through The Bulletin's Best of Reader's Choice Awards and "Best Place to Work" through The Bulletin's Best of Reader's Choice Northeastern, CT Awards.
Reliance Health, Inc. (2018) - Reliance Health was presented with an award for our dedication and many years of service to The Eastern Regional Mental Health Board’s mission to improve the service needs and rights of our members. David Burnett has been a pivotal part of carrying out this mission with his dedicated involvement with the Community Action Council and Board of Directors.

Reliance Health, Inc. (2017) - Community Hero Award from The Last Green Valley, for the incomparable ability to use volunteer neighborhood cleanups as a means of making connections between partner organizations, the services they provide, and the people they serve.
David Burnett, Chief Executive Officer (2016) - At The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut Business Breakfast Honoring Eastern Connecticut's Social Service Community, David Burnett was presented the award for "Executive Director of the Year"
Reliance Health, Inc. (2016) - The David Wigfield Holiday Spirit Award for the 2016 Norwich WinterFest Parade
Career Services (2016) - Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Commissioner's Recognition Award for Excellence in Supported Employment Services Surpassing DMHAS Employment Rate 2015-2016

Anastasia Chamiec (2014) - Reaching Home Campaign, Carol Walter Supportive Housing Tenant Award
Christine Hughes (2014) - CT Association of Public Schools, Superintendent’s Award
Linda Smith, Chief Financial Officer (2013) - Norwich Free Academy, Alumni Achievement Award
David Burnett, Chief Executive Officer (2013) -Hartford Courant & FOXCT, Top Leader Mid-Size Employer
Tara Beatty, Clinician (2012) & Karen Palenski, Service Director (2012) - Southeastern Mental Health Authority, Pat Leech Memorial Award
Carrie Dyer, Chief Operating Officer (2010), Gary Hotham, Program Director (2001) - Southeastern Mental Health Authority, Pat Leech Memorial Award
Mike Van Vlaenderen, Service Director (2010) - Reaching Home Campaign, The Reverend Richard Schuster Supportive Housing Advocacy Award
Network Housing Office (2010) - Center for Reintegration, Lilly Reintegration Award - 2nd place
Gary Hotham, Program Director (2009) - Keep the Promise Coalition, Advocacy Leadership Award
CARF Accreditation, 20 Consecutive years - (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities)
National Leaders in the Harm Reduction Model (est. 1996)