Joanne LeFrancois from LeFrancois' Floral & Gifts donated 8 pairs of sneakers to our Young Adult programs as part of “Sneakers from Eli”, a tribute to the memory of Eli Diacumski.
Joanne LeFrancois - Sneakers from Eli
"I'd like to tell you what a great program you've got in the WISE program. I've often thought of calling and saying, 'Hey, this works!'"
Bill J., Service Recipient
"Since my self-demise in November 2011, Reliance 'Health' has been deeply involved. It was one of their Outreach to Homeless staff members who talked me out of my unheated, waterless, and electricity-free home into Veteran’s housing. He helped me with the State of Connecticut disability enrollment and set me up with the New London Hospitality Services. Basically, he set me up with the VA programs I have now. Reliance 'Health' counselors have helped members complete trips to the store and medical appointments. There have been times when I needed them to talk me through my problems – using their guidance has helped me through difficult times. They coordinate house activities – picnics, cookouts, etc. which I enjoy. Without Reliance 'Health', I wouldn’t be in the healthy position I find myself in now.
Reliance 'Health' is an organization that has trained personnel available for members of the community who seek emotional, mental, and physical help. When I was in dire need, Reliance 'Health' stepped in adamantly and took me by the hand through some of their programs available to me that I had no clue of. Now I have people I can speak to."
Robert, Service Recipient
The Robert E. Davidson Fund was established in honor of our dear friend, Bob Davidson, to support People Interrupted. People Interrupted was a program created by Bob's wife, Marge, to show how we all benefit from making sure disadvantaged people, including people with mental illness, get the help they need to recover. When People Interrupted was discontinued, Marge donated the balance of the Robert E. Davidson Fund to Reliance Health to further honor her husband's memory.
The Robert E. Davidson Fund - Marge Blizard
"Reliance 'Health' has helped me in every aspect of my life for two and a half years by assisting with transportation to and from appointments, making bus tickets available for local travel, and creating a positive environment to feel safe and comfortable. My favorite thing is there’s always a smile and greeting from the staff who understand that every individual has certain needs, and they go out of their way to provide for us as clients." Reliance 'Health' means the world to me as it makes it possible for me to go out and be positive around people. Reliance 'Health' is a fantastic assembly of people with caring hearts and thoughtful respect for people. They continue to change peoples’ lives for the better."
Teamworks Program Member
Sarah donated supplies to our Care Cabinet as a way to honor those who contributed to her Quarantine Tiny Paintings project. Sarah donated over 200 items for the Care Cabinet, one for each person who contributed a painting during the summer of 2020! Read more about Sarah's project in our blog, A Not So Tiny Project.

Sarah Edmond, Care Cabinet Donor
"I have found that the people who work at Reliance 'Health' are intelligent, conscientious, caring, and warm individuals who are dedicated to the mission of the organization and the clientele they serve. Reliance 'Health' should be proud not only for the good work they do for the community, but also for the wonderful way they support their employees.”
Wendi Everton, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University
"When I think of Reliance 'Health', the first thing that comes to mind is a team of thoughtful and committed people, working together to help others reach their potential. From the administration on down, the respect and caring for everyone, both employees and members, is quite evident. Reliance 'Health' is always striving to improve the services they offer, as well as looking for new and innovative ideas that will help make the lives of those they work with better. They accomplish so much good with the funds with which they have to work. Vince Lombardi said, ‘The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.’ The successes of Reliance 'Health', its staff and members, are immeasurable and invaluable to the city of Norwich.”
Jackie Falman, Former Reliance Health, Inc. Board Member
"Reliance 'Health' has given me self-confidence and made me feel better about myself. I know I can call them anytime.”
Janice, Service Recipient
"The experience working with Reliance 'Health' Career Services has been enlightening. You realize that no matter who the person is, they are all just looking for a chance to learn and grow, because life is what you make it.”
Kate, Dunkin Donuts Shift Lead