Reliance Health receives Collaboration of the Year Award from Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerece

A Festive Community Collaboration

December 2021 - As we are still in the peak of winter, let's take a quick look back at December 2021 and the new potential yearly collaboration on the horizon! This past holiday season, Reliance Health partnered with the United Way and Tommy Toy Fund to provide a Norwich distribution site for the annual Tommy Toy Fund event.
Support the Special Olympics & Raise Awareness for Recovery

August 12, 2021 - Reliance Health CEO, Carrie Dyer and COO, Mike Van are talking about recovery….from 30 stories up! On Friday, September 3rd, Carrie and Mike will be rappelling from the roof of Mohegan Sun’s Sky Tower with Over The Edge, a fundraiser for Special Olympics Connecticut. They’re looking for your support to make sure they reach their fundraising goal of $2,000.
Gardening - A Wellness Win!
July 21, 2021 - Wellness is a big focus here at Reliance Health. We love to find things that promote wellness amongst our staff, the people we serve, and the greater community. One of the wellness activities that we’ve found to be incredibly rewarding is gardening. From start to finish there are so many parts of playing in the dirt that we enjoy! With help from the Eastern Connecticut Community Garden Association, the Rotary Corp of Norwich, and the passion and dedication of our teams, this year is shaping up to be a great year for growth!
45 Mental Health Resources

June 15, 2021 - As we continue to celebrate our 45th year of providing mental health services, we wanted to share 45 mental health resources you may find helpful. If you click the name of the resource, you will be brought to its website, where more information can be found. Some are resources local to Southeastern CT, where others are nationwide, phone apps, or ideas to help promote one’s mental wellness. Have more resources to share? Send us a message!
Spread Happiness for Mental Health Month
May 13, 2021 - This past year presented so many different challenges and obstacles that tested our strength and resiliency. The global pandemic forced us to cope with situations we never even imagined, and a lot of us struggled with our mental health as a result. There are many tools that can help to improve mental health. One tool that we have chosen to focus on this May, Mental Health Month, is spreading happiness, because “Happiness increase when shared with others”.
Win Free Pizza!

April 14, 2021 - Or whatever else you may want to eat from La Stella Pizzeria since everything they make is delicious! For this year's "May is Mental Health Month" we're looking to spread happiness while promoting mental health awareness. Send us a picture of what makes you happy, along with a one-sentence description to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by April 30th to be entered to win a gift card to La Stella Pizzeria. Pictures will be posted on Reliance Health's windows at 40 Broadway in Norwich and shared on their social media and website throughout the month of May. Help spread happiness!
We're Celebrating 45 Years!

March 26, 2021 - Reliance Health is celebrating 45 years of enhancing health through mental wellness! Founded in April of 1976 as a drop-in center for patients of Norwich Hospital who would visit Downtown, we now employ over 250 staff and serve 1,500 individuals across Eastern Connecticut through a variety of residential and community-based mental health services.
Help Support Increased Funding for Community Nonprofits

February 26, 2021 - Reliance Health, along with many community nonprofits across the state, has a long-standing history of providing affordable, high-quality services. While the cost of living has increased, cost of service delivery has increased, the cost to do business has increased, and a global pandemic has sparked the need for services, community nonprofits continue to see cuts to funding, or remain flat-funded. As our budgets atrophy year after year due to lack of adjustments for inflation, nonprofits nimbly reallocate and rearrange and create the false impression that we can continue down this dangerous path.
Reframing Trauma

Why is understanding trauma important for those who work in social services? Statistics tell us that nearly 95 – 100% of those served in social service settings have experienced trauma in their lives, specifically physical, sexual, and or emotional abuse. Many individuals have experienced trauma as children and may grow into adults who continue to experience traumatic events, such as domestic violence or violence within their community. Unless social service professionals recognize the role that trauma and abuse have played in the lives of those they serve, they will not be able to fully understand the symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the people they are trying to help. Often, the symptoms and behaviors seen are attributed to a mental health diagnosis or to substance use, without consideration as to how trauma and abuse may have affected the individual. Working from a trauma framework in the context of a person’s life experiences, their culture, and their community is the most helpful, respectful, and empowering model for helping adults with histories of trauma.
The Wellness Center Takes Shape
When we purchased The Morosky Building at 2 Cliff Street three years ago we were excited for the opportunity to bring our day programs together, offering accessibility and ease of access to those we serve. We were also excited about the potential the building offered, especially when we saw the basement!
Back in the ’70s and early ’80s, when the building was a SEARS Department store, the basement housed appliances.
This Giving Season, Support Mental Health Services

We are fortunate to be part of a caring community. The support we receive from you has been crucial in our ability to continue to provide essential mental health services across Eastern Connecticut.
During the past year, your contributions to Reliance Health have helped:
Moving Away from Columbus Day

At Reliance Health, we embrace a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion and have made the decision to embrace the true history of this continent, and change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. We celebrate, honor and respect our Native American staff and members, and all the Indigenous Peoples of the World. We recognize that the Indigenous Peoples lived on the North American continent for over 30,000 years, long before Columbus supposedly discovered the Americas.
Reliance Health Recognized As A Top Workplace for 9th Year
Despite a year full of changing protocols, expectations, and imposed restrictions, the staff at Reliance Health have demonstrated their incredible skill in supporting and caring for those served by the agency. We are honored that during such a difficult time our employees have once again recognized Reliance Health as a Top Workplace through the Hartford Courant’s Top Workplace Awards.
A Not So Tiny Project

Many people are finding ways to adapt to the unexpected changes that have taken place since the start of the pandemic. For Sarah Edmond, the sudden shift from teaching at Norwich Free Academy to being home every day jump-started a project she had been putting on hold since buying her house in 2013. Sarah is the visionary behind “Quarantine Tiny Paintings”, a collaborative project that began with 15 blank 3”x3” canvases and has quickly blossomed into 238 (and counting) small works of art.
2020's Norwich WinterFest 5K Cancelled

After 6 years of running through Downtown Norwich, last year’s Norwich WinterFest 5K changed course and brought racers through picturesque Mohegan Park. Despite the bitter cold temperatures, we received positive feedback about the new race route and were excited to be back in the park this year. Unfortunately, 2020 had other plans.
#DontForgetUs Campaign
The Alliance: Voice of Community Nonprofits asked nonprofits across the state to participate in their #DontForgetUs social media campaign. The campaign was created as a way to remind policymakers of the work nonprofits do every day and while delivering services through the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring nonprofits are prioritized in state policymaking and funding decisions.
Our Statement of Commitment for A Better Tomorrow
Reliance Health is dedicated to cultivating an environment that promotes our core values of respect, growth, choice, unity in diversity, teamwork, and integrity. Racism, prejudice, injustice, and violence have no place here. Black lives can no longer be disrespected, devalued, demeaned, or dehumanized. We stand in solidarity with our Black employees, service recipients, neighbors, family members, and friends. At Reliance Health, Black Lives Matter.
June - Pride Month and PTSD Awareness

In 1970, New York City held its first Pride march, one year after the Stonewall Uprising. Since then, we recognize June as Pride Month, to promote the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. The month of June is also recognized as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Awareness month, to bring attention to a mental health condition that affects 7 to 8 out of every 100 people who have experienced, or witnesses, a traumatic event.
Mental Health Matters

Mental health matters. Especially right now as we all face challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our lives have changed overnight, and everyone is adapting. While some may experience the pandemic as inconvenient, for many, it is a major upset. Limited income, mental, and physical health barriers place many in vulnerable situations. The crisis associated with COVID-19 places further risk to those who were already struggling.
Agency Updates Regarding COVID-19

(Updated 3/28) We hope you are well and secure at home prepared for the week ahead.
As Governor Lamont has stated, it is critical that those who can stay at home do so. We continue to reach out to our membership to assess immediate needs, arrange for supports such as food bags and emergency resources, and navigate individualized daily needs. This will take time and patience and we appreciate, in advance, your good-natured cooperation. Please keep an eye on our social media pages, as well as this blog for agency updates.
A Season of Gratitude

Reliance Health is grateful to those who support our mission through a variety of ways. It is through your fiscal contributions, in-kind donations, time, advocacy, and general encouragement that we are able to provide those experiencing mental health symptoms with high-quality services.
During the last fiscal year, Reliance Health provided mental health services to 1,595 individuals across 45 towns in Eastern Connecticut. We assisted with housing, employment, education, symptom management, social engagement, advocacy, life skills, and so much more. What these numbers don’t reflect are the personal connections, social influences, and economic impacts resulting from those activities.
Reliance Health Receives Top Workplace Standing...Again!

September 23, 2019 - Reliance Health has been recognized by our employees as a 2019 Top Workplace through the Hartford Courant. In addition to ranking 6th among mid-sized employers, we received “standout scores” resulting in Special Award recognition for our Managers.
The Hartford Courant partnered with Energage to survey companies within Hartford, Tolland, Windham, Middlesex, and New London counties to identify the top workplaces in Connecticut. 686 companies participated in the survey with a total of 13,747 employee responses! The top 60 employers, as identified by their employees, were invited to the Aquaturf in Plantsville on September 19th to be recognized as a Top Workplace. Reliance Health was honored to be invited to the event for the 8th year.
September is National Recovery Month

September 5, 2019 - For the past 30 years, September has been recognized as National Recovery Month by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The purpose of National Recovery Month is to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with mental and substance use disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives while celebrating the millions of Americans who are in recovery from these barriers. This month reminds us that treatment is effective and that people can and do recover.
Introducing Reliance Health's New CEO, Carrie Dyer

August 8, 2019 - After nearly 41 years with Reliance Health, our Chief Executive Officer, David Burnett, has retired. His absence will be felt for a long time to come. As the self-proclaimed “minister of culture”, Dave was an integral part of Reliance Health. He was our first paid employee who laid the groundwork for the agency we are today. His belief in supporting growth, respecting each other, and love being a medical necessity fostered the ability for Reliance Health to be awarded Top Workplace while leading the way in mental health service and education in Eastern CT.
Reliance Health CEO, David Burnett is Retiring

July 9, 2019 - After nearly 41 years as Reliance Health’s Chief Executive Officer, David Burnett will retire by the end of this month.
Dave has been with Reliance Health since 1978 when we were known as The Leisure Center. At the time he served as the agency’s only employee, running day to day operations and providing support to people who had been discharged from Norwich Hospital. Nearly 41 years later we are serving over 1,000 people annually with the support of 250 employees. Dave attributes much of his success as a leadership to his mentor and Reliance Health founder, John Morosky.
The Art of Healing
June 6, 2019 - Throughout the months of March, April, and May 2019 members and staff of Reliance Health’s Supportive Housing Programs had the privilege of working with local artist Jerry Wagner learning how to work in acrylic mediums to create unique abstract color mixes that expressed their inner selves in a new artistic dimension. The project was the result of support from the Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition and the CT Office of the Arts Regional Initiative Grant Project (REGI), which provided funding to several nonprofit groups to create and share art projects that impart visions of hope and healing.
May is Mental Health Month

May 7, 2019 - May is Mental Health Month was started 70 years ago by the national organization, Mental Health America, to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of good mental health for everyone.
We all do well some days and less well on others. When it comes to mental health it is not us and them. It is only us. We are united by our emotional strengths and our emotional frailties. We are in it together. We help each other.
When you or someone you love is dealing with a mental health concern, sometimes it’s a lot to handle. It’s important to remember that mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being, and mental illnesses are common and treatable.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention

April 24, 2019 - The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reports that each day an average of 129 suicides occur. This makes suicide the 10th leading cause of death for Americans. With spring being the peak time of year for suicidal actions, we hope to bring attention to this phenomenon and connect those in need to the resources that can help them overcome thoughts of self-harm.
One of the best tools we can use to reduce the annual suicide rate is knowledge. By understanding the warning signs and knowing what to do when someone may be in crisis, we are better prepared to get help for those who are suffering. So, what are some of the things we should be looking for when we’re concerned about someone’s wellbeing?
We Want to Know!

April 4, 2019 – We all have ways that we care for our mental health, whether we’re aware of it or not. For example, are you a gardener? Runner? Pet parent or booklover? All of these activities are examples of ways we can care for our mental health! As we prepare to honor May is mental health month, we’re looking for your response to the question, how do you care for you mental health?
World Bipolar Day - March 30th

March 21, 2019 - March 30th has been declared World Bipolar Day to bring attention and awareness to the disorder, which affects nearly 2.6% of the US adult population and 1-2% of the World population. Bipolar disorder is often characterized by significant shifts in one’s mood, energy and ability to think clearly. The mood shifts experienced by those with bipolar disorder tend to be extreme, intense and lifelong. These shifts, often known as mania and depression, are much more extreme than the ups and downs experienced by those without the disorder and can significantly impact every area of one’s life.
GSA: Gay Straight Alliance

February 15, 2019 - Several years ago we collaborated with the Southeastern Mental Health Authority to develop a community gay straight alliance, or GSA. The purpose of this group was simple, offer a safe and welcoming place for anyone to be supported, accepted, and heard. We are proud to say the group continues to flourish.
GSA groups are popular amongst schools and colleges as they support people of various sexualities and gender identities, providing a safe space for honest, open communication. Through group discussions, activity planning, and peer education and support, GSAs accomplish a number of objectives, including:
The Importance of Self-Care

March 7, 2019 - The term self-care has been thrown around a lot lately, making it seem almost too trendy to fully appreciate. What is self-care anyway? Buying a coffee on the way into work? Taking a walk? Signing up for an art class? Using an umbrella on a rainy day? All these activities count toward self-care, so why do we need reminders to take care of ourselves?
January is Mental Wellness Month

January 7, 2019 - We’re a week into the new year! Did you make any resolutions for 2019? If you did, what did you focus on? Weight management? Fitness? Being more organized? Less busy? How about mental wellness? Often, our resolutions are focused on goals that promote wellness, but we often forget to focus on the needs of our mental health. Yet, caring for our minds is just as important as caring for our bodies!
To highlight the importance of caring for mental wellbeing, January has been named mental wellness month.