Our 30+ programs provide tools and resources for individuals to move forward in their lives. Each program focuses on positive relationships and mental wellness because we believe healthy living starts with your mind.
Our 30+ programs provide tools and resources for individuals to move forward in their lives. Each program focuses on positive relationships and mental wellness because we believe healthy living starts with your mind.
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” - Benjamin Franklin -
When a person meets with our Intake Liason or Clinican, they will be asked questions regarding their mental health needs, treatment history, and Reliance Health, Inc. eligibility criteria.
If the person appears to meet eligibility criteria, a face-to-face, or virtual meeting will occur with a caring professional to further discuss our programs and services.
If we are not the appropriate agency to meet the individual’s health needs, staff will provide information about other treatment resources in the community.
If you are a provider and would like to refer an individual for services, please complete the following forms:
Prior to your intake appointment, feel free to complete the attached forms:
Reliance Health Outpatient Services Handbook
Completed forms can be faxed to 1-860-823-3856 or dropped off at our 2 Cliff Street - Morosky Building Office.
Please note, you may also need to provide a copy of your ID, Social Security card, and any insurance cards you may have.
Our Community Outreach Program collaborates with other providers to bridge services for potential members and members who are minimally engaged. It is a way for individuals to become acquainted with our services.
Social Engagement
Our Social Engagement programs include Penobscot Place and our clubhouse, Teamworks. Both are MEMBER DRIVEN - utilizing the talents, interests, and strengths of current members to drive the direction of programs.
Members have opportunities to:
We are happy to share our mental health expertise with you because we know mental wellness is an important factor for everyone! This is why we bring awareness and educational seminars to our community.
We also offer personalized trainings for local businesses, schools, healthcare providers, civic organizations, and other non-profits. Trainings can be adapted to meet your needs. Popular trainings include Understanding Mental Health and Wellness, Self-Care and Wellness, and Emotional Intelligence. For additional trainings please refer to our training section.
For information on this month’s activities please click here to download the current calendar .
For more information please contact our Director of Professional Development at
Caring Clinicians working with you to provide:
If you are interested in Reliance Health Outpatient Services, please visit our Becoming a Member section.
Did you know Reliance Health Clinicians are members of emergency community response teams?
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin
Sometimes a mental health diagnosis can prevent an individual from being successful in the public school system and more tailored needs are warranted. Through or accommodating educational programs. Norwich Adult Ed and Supported Education, individuals can expand their learning and bolster their confidence.
Upon referral to our education programs, a Reliance Health Education Coach will sit down with you to discuss your interests and goals. Together you will determine which program would best align with your aspirations:
We also offer:
For more information regarding our education programs please visit our Becoming a Member section.
Providing individualized support and service coordination to adults with Intellectual Disabilities.
The Supported Living Program of Reliance Health partners with the state Department of Developmental Services to provide individualized support and service coordination to adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Our services range from 24 hour in-home support to drop-in residential and vocational day programming. Our service area stretches from the northeast corner of Connecticut down to the southeastern shoreline.
Services offered include:
Community Residential Supports
Individualized Home Supports
Individualized Vocational Day Supports
Individualized Non-Vocational Day Supports
Health Care Coordination
Service Coordination
Financial and Benefit Management Supports
Whether it be rain, sleet, hail, snow, wind or heat, the Reliance Health Outreach to Homeless Team is outdoors canvasing the community and helping individuals who are in imminent threat of or experiencing homelessness find stable housing. For more information on our Outreach to Homeless Program please call 211.
Norwich Area Community Care Team - Reliance Health collaborates with neighboring non-profits, shelters, soup kitchens, spiritual organizations, government departments and civic groups to support adults who are on the brink of homelessness or currently homeless. Hundreds of individuals continue to find permanent housing due to the Community Care Team’s ability to take a unified, resource-savvy approach allowing adults to find the best solutions for their personal needs. Please visit the Partnership to End Homelessness in Southeastern Connecticut to learn more about this team’s progressive plan to end homelessness in Connecticut.
A reliable and economical supplement to public transportation
There are moments when public transportation isn’t feasible or accessible for our members. The Reliance Health Transportation Program is available for members currently enrolled in our Teamworks Clubhouse.
This program helps individuals safely visit family and friends, get to work on time, run errands, attend social outings, and successfully travel to other non-medical* related activities. For $5 a month, members are able to purchase 4-6 rides with door to door service. Availability is subject to change and dependent on the distance of the trip, advanced booking, and number of rides already scheduled. To utilize our Transportation program please visit our Becoming a Member section.
*For transportation to medical appointments please refer to 211
Connecting adults to stable and affordable housing
When an individual doesn’t have a roof over their head, it is hard to focus on most other aspects of life. Reliance Health follows the Housing First model – helping first establish stable housing and then addressing additional needs through wraparound support services.
Reliance Health is a member of a regional housing network that pools resources to provide guidance on:
For more information please, contact our Network Housing Specialist at 860-859-4647
Our Supportive Housing Programs exist as part of the solution to end chronic homelessness by combining affordable housing with additional services to help people who face the most complex challenges. Individuals who are experiencing homelessness should call 211 and schedule a CAN (Coordinated Access Network) intake. To learn more about our Supportive Housing programs, and the proven effectiveness of these approaches, please contact 860-887-6536, or visit Partnership for Strong Communities and the Corporation for Supportive Housing.
Reliance Health has voluntary, interim residences providing 24/7 care as well as co-ed and gender-specific settings. The main objectives of these programs are to:
Our residential programs partner with visiting nurse services and home health aides to ensure proper medication management and personal hygiene needs are met. We will also provide transportation to appointments and outings as well as host a variety of in-house activities to keep residents growing and engaged.
Two of our residences specialize in the Harm Reduction model – reducing harm to oneself or others through education, empowerment, and engagement.
For more information on our Residential Programs, please refer to our Becoming a Member section.
Synchronizing strengths and community resources
Day-to-day living skills including budgeting, paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, scheduling appointments, utilizing public transportation, exercise, nutrition, and coping with stress is a lot for anyone to balance. Trying to manage these responsibilities while recovering from a mental health diagnosis can become extremely overwhelming. Our compassionate and creative Service Coordinators will meet you anywhere in the community to help you work on your chosen goals. To get involved in our Service Coordination Programs please refer to our Becoming a Member section.
Homeless Veterans represent 10% of the individuals in Connecticut’s emergency shelters and transitional housing programs.
Veterans are served throughout all of our agency programs and also have access to exclusive services. Specific programs provide on-site services to 15 previously homeless veterans and are connected to our Supportive Housing Services. Housing is provided through The American Legion Veterans Housing Incorporated (TALVHI). Each resident has their own apartment in a safe, secure building with a Veteran Clinician making personal visits. Additional amenities include on-site laundry, a workout room, community room, and storage. In addition to the specialized services of TALVHI, Veterans are able to access all Reliance Health Services providing they meet the admission criteria. For additional information on TALVHI please visit our Becoming a Member section.
For additional mental health resources for Veterans, their families, friends, and other supporters, visit MakeTheConnection.net.
A safe, secure and nurturing home environment
Studies show that 75% of mental health ailments begin before the age of 25; the earlier the onset is properly diagnosed and treated, the higher the chance for successful long-term management. Our voluntaryYoung Adult Programs work with individuals 18-25 years of age to help young men and women transition from Department of Child & Family (DCF) to an independent living environment. In collaboration with the Southeastern Mental Health Authority (SMHA), these programs offer:
Those interested in services should contact the Southeastern Mental Health Authority at 860-859-4500.
Upholding fiscal responsibilities
Managing personal finances is an important aspect of day-to-day living. We offer a Budgeting Assistance Program (BAP) to help our members uphold fiscal responsibilities. Non-interest bearing accounts are available to those already enrolled in an existing Reliance Health program. Deposits can be made during regular Reliance Health operating hours. While working with your Service Coordinator, further details are determined regarding standard weekly checks, representative payee options, and Social Security benefits. For more information regarding BAP, please visit our Becoming a Member section.
As a member of Reliance Health you may also be eligible to participate in our:
Career Closet • Respite • Care Cabinet • Trainings • Agency-Wide Events • Groups and Committees
For individuals who qualify for services under the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) please refer to our Provider Profile.
For additional community resources please dial 2-1-1 or visit the 211 website.